Ongoing Site Support

My quarterly support plan guarantees websites are running efficiently and securely, staying current with design and development trends, and constantly evolving.

You’ve invested a lot of time and money into your website. But like a car, your website needs regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently. That’s where Pixeleric comes in.

Why do I need a support plan?

WordPress powers over 40% of the world’s websites. Because of its popularity, it’s frequently a target for hackers and attackers who aim to infiltrate sites to distribute dangerous software, place malicious ads, and otherwise wreak havoc on your site.

If the software isn’t kept up to date, it can expose your site to security risks and unpredictable errors. It’s far simpler to update on a regular basis than to attempt to update software that’s a year old, which is why I recommend regular, proactive updates.

All plans include:

Monthly WordPress Updates

I perform monthly updates to the WordPress core software and all plugins, plus as-soon-as-possible updates for all security releases. I create a post-upgrade quality assurance procedure, which defines a set of features and functionality that I will check after every upgrade to ensure the software changes have not had any unexpected effects on your site.

Daily Backups

If a plugin update takes your site down, if someone introduced unwanted updates to the content, or if a hacker targets the site, having a freshly saved copy of your web database is critical. I’ll run backups of your site files and database. If your site ever goes poof or you need to high-tail it off your host, your website can be restored or moved easily.

Security Monitoring

The popularity of WordPress has made it a very inviting target for hackers, so more of them are being drawn to WordPress sites. I monitor your site’s SSL certificate, install a WordPress security plugin on your site, am notified when your site has a security issue, and assist with cleanup after a security breach.

Real-Time Site Monitoring

My systems are constantly monitoring your site. If there is a problem identified with uptime or site speed, I will quickly address it.


WordPress databases can get messy when they’re left to their own devices. I work hard to keep your site running lean and mean.

Priority Client

You “skip the queue” every time you get in touch with me, taking precedence over other projects and activities.

Plans above the basic level include:

Reserved Support Time

A set number of hours per quarter for additional maintenance, troubleshooting support, feature requests, strategy consulting, and other communication during regular business hours (Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central, excluding holidays and planned vacation periods).

  • This allotment of reserved priority support time is in addition to the time spent on the upgrades and maintenance tasks described above.
  • I request that you assign no more than two people to act as points of contact for support requests. The addition of more contact points will require a fee expansion.
  • This reserved support time does not roll over to the next quarter.

Bottom Line: I am here to help support your website in whatever way you can think of.

Support Packages & Pricing

Basic Care:

  • Monthly WordPress Updates
  • Daily Backups
  • Security Monitoring
  • Real-Time Site Monitoring
  • Database Management
  • Priority Client Status

Growth Care:

  • Monthly WordPress Updates
  • Daily Backups
  • Security Monitoring
  • Real-Time Site Monitoring
  • Database Management
  • Priority Client Status
  • 15 hours/quarter of Reserved Support Time
  • Discounted rate of $100/hour for any additional support

Premium Care:

  • Monthly WordPress Updates
  • Daily Backups
  • Security Monitoring
  • Real-Time Site Monitoring
  • Database Management
  • Priority Client Status
  • 30 hours/quarter of Reserved Support Time
  • Discounted rate of $100/hour for any additional support

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form below and I’ll get in touch to schedule a free consultation.