UnRestrict Minnesota

UnRestrict Minnesota works to protect, expand, and destigmatize access to reproductive healthcare in Minnesota.

For the past two years, I’ve been the dedicated web guy for UnRestrict Minnesota.

Part of my agreement with Gender Justice to manage their websites includes the UnRestrict Minnesota and UnRestrict Minnesota Action sites.

The Gender Justice and UnRestrict Minnesota teams aren’t big enough to need a full-time, in-house web person. I’m happy to provide that role for them.

I continue to help them evolve and expand the resources available on the UnRestrict Minnesota website, as well as highlight the many community organizations they partner with.

Support Tasks

  • WordPress updates
  • Custom WordPress development
  • Content updates
  • Website strategy

UnRestrict Minnesota utilizes my quarterly support plan to guarantee their site is running efficiently and securely, staying current with design and development trends, and constantly evolving.

Learn More
UnRestrict Minnesota - Legislative Agenda
UnRestrict Minnesota - Stories
UnRestrict Minnesota - Community Partners
UnRestrict Minnesota - Lobby Day Photos
UnRestrict Minnesota mobile homepage

Do you need help with your existing WordPress site? Or are you looking for a trusted expert to partner with to bring your website idea and vision to life? If so, I’m your guy.

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Do you have a project in mind but don’t know where to start?

Contact me to schedule a free consultation.